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Video by Dr. Coimbra – 95 percent of auto-immune cured with vitamin D in high doses - April 2014

Dr. Coimbra

Speaking in Italian (with a Portuguese accent?)
Closed captions in any of 100+ languages

See also VitaminDWiki

Clinical interventions have shown that Vitamin D can prevent, treat, and even cure Multiple Sclerosis, at a tiny fraction of the cost of the drugs now used to treat it, and without side effects.

Summary: lack of consensus on how much to prevent, treat, or cure MS.

A few highlights of the video by VitaminDWiki

  • Use Physiologic dose, similar to the 10,000 units of being out in the sun for a while
  • Vitamin D modifies the operation of about 4,500 genes
  • Complete control (cure) in 95% of patients with MS and many other auto-immune diseases (TH17)
  • Trying to understand why 5% are only partially helped. Smoking?
  • Dose size is highly patient specific: treatment ranges from 30,000 to >100,000 IU daily
  • They have treated more than 2,500 MS patients
  • They do not know how long to keep the person on high dose vitamin D
  • He has his patients stop all dairy product and drink at least 2.5 liters of water a day
  • He will never do a double-blind, randomized and placebo (clinical trial) using vitamin D – needs to be tuned for each patient
  • He mentions success with a great many other diseases – many are bolded
  • He Believes some diseases are trggered by emotional factors
  • They do not know whether daily, weekly, and monthly doses work equally:they use daily doses to avoid large variability of blood levels
  • Daily doses of vitamin D are increased until PTH reaches the lower normal range.
  • His daughter has taken 10,000 units of vitamin D per day for more than six years.
  • Do not really know of any effect of vitamin D on the normal intestinal flora.
  • Older people have then a lesser amount of vitamin D receptors in every single cell
       (this is a news item for VitaminDWiki – was previously aware of less production in the skin and adsoption in the gut)
  • He typically also gives vitamin B2 to all patients: B2 is needed to process Vitamin D.
    10% of people have genetic problem such that B2 is low, but it is too hard to test for B2 deficiency
  • He recommends 10,000 IU daily for PREVENTION

PTH vs Vitamin D - from the web

See also. if you Understand Portuguese.video interview in Aug 2014

VitaminDWiki - 7 items in both categories Books-Videos and Autoimmune

This list is automatically updated

Transcript, in original Italian, is attached at the bottom of this page

Transcript in English follows

auto-translated so there are various errors
Text bolded by VitaminDWiki

  • 0:12 The protocol was created by the following question:
  • 0:16 at a given moment of my professional life,
  • 0:20 I felt very strongly the need to try to help change this idea
  • 0:29 that neurology is a medical specialty made from brilliant diagnostic
  • 0:36 but no effective treatment available for neurological diseases;
  • 0:41 and that is how it is regarded in the medical environment: a specialty of brilliant diagnostic
  • 0:49 but no effective treatment.
  • 0:52 When I finished a period of clinical training in Miami (USA), at the Jackson Memorial Hospital,
  • 1:03 I returned to St. Paul with the aim to specialize
  • 1:06 and to start doing research using laboratory animals
  • 1:12 and creating models of neurological disease in rats, with the aim of testing
  • 1:21 new diagnostic possibilities.
  • 1:23 During the research, you are obliged to have cutting edge knowledge,
  • 1:38 you can not just read a book that has information on neurology of 5 or 10 years ago;
  • 1:46 you are obligated to know what was published last week
  • 1:51 about the research that is being done.
  • 1:57 And that was our goal.
  • 2:02 Having the huge amount of publications that have not been published in textbooks,
  • 2:08 we wondered why this information is not applied in clinical practice;
  • 2:15 information and sometimes they are really simple.
  • 2:18 Little by little, we are convinced that,
  • 2:27 many things which would be a great benefit to patients,
  • 2:33 are not discussed in Congress and medicine are not put in the textbooks,
  • 2:41 simply because they can reduce the consumption of medicines,
  • 2:47 especially when these drugs are expensive.
  • 2:53 At any given time we were convinced that vitamin D
  • 3:02 stimulate the production of several substances neurorigenerative
  • 3:10 in the brains of adults, children, embryos, fetuses. And is extremely important,
  • 3:20 time for development, and for the functions of the nervous system (same thing in the nervous system of an adult).
  • 3:30 These skills are not available on medical books
  • 3:34 and most doctors are not aware of the importance of this hormone,
  • 3:40 that is not a vitamin, is a hormone
  • 3:42 which induces the formation of regenerative substances of the nervous system.
  • 3:47 And we have begun, for this reason
  • 3:50 to administer vitamin D to people who had neurodegenerative diseases
  • 3:56 and we did not care to patients with Parkinson's
  • 4:03 and we started to make vitamin D in doses physiologically realistic.
  • 4:10 It is important to say that the daily dose is recommended today that, internationally,
  • 4:20 does not exclude any patient from vitamin D deficiency,
  • 4:27 is a negligible dose, well below the physiological dose.
  • 4:32 And then, when we started to give the physiologic dose, which is the dose of 10,000 units per day,
  • 4:39 ie the dose that is produced with a few minutes of exposure to the sun, namely,
  • 4:44 if you're wearing an undershirt and shorts, his legs and arms exposed to the sun,
  • 4:53 will produce in 20 minutes, if you have light skin and if you are young, 10,000 units of vitamin D per day.
  • 5:04 Then, 10,000 is a physiologic dose, is not a super dose.
  • 5:08 However, most doctors consider this potentially toxic dose.
  • 5:16 And these doctors today say that the recommended dose is 600 International Units.
  • 5:32 So, the recommended 600 IU,
  • 5:34 but if a person is exposed to the sun for 20 minutes, producing 10,000 units!
  • 5:43 Then, there is an obvious difference between the medical practice and scientific knowledge.
  • 5:51 Then, we begin to give 10,000 people with neurodegenerative diseases,
  • 5:57 and I remember a patient with Parkinson's, which received 10,000 of vitamin D,
  • 6:05 when he returned for the second visit, after 3 months (taking 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day)
  • 6:13 had a lesion of vitiligo on the face
  • 6:19 had declined so much that in a few months of administration of 10,000 IU.
  • 6:32 This led us to search for information in the medical literature
  • 6:37 in relation to the effects of vitamin D in the immune system.
  • 6:41 We were surprised by the huge amount of publications that were already available in 2001-2002.
  • 6:57 Based on this first result, we have begun to 10,000 units of vitamin D to patients
  • 7:04 with multiple sclerosis, which is the most common autoimmune disease in neurology
  • 7:11 and the one that has the most devastating effects of neurological patients.
  • 7:17 We were surprised to see how these patients are improved.
  • 7:23 And this was the starting point, in attributing a high value on vitamin D
  • 7:35 in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
  • 7:37 Today we are absolutely convinced, along with the scientific community that deals
  • 7:48 Research on vitamin D, which studies the effects of vitamin D in the immune system:
  • 7:54 Vitamin D is the major regulator of the immune system
  • 8:03 and modifies the operation of approximately 4,500 genes
  • 8:12 in every cell of the immune system. It is a substance without equal.
  • 8:21 I do a comparison
  • 8:23 to explain what I mean with 4,500 genes that are regulated in their activity by vitamin D.
  • 8:36 Imagine a skyscraper where there are many commercial cinemas. Imagine that
  • 8:45 4,500 doors in this building can be opened or closed by a unique key.
  • 8:55 Then you have to compare the skyscraper with each of the cells of the immune system
  • 9:02 and the key is vitamin D.
  • 9:05 When you lack vitamin D, the patient fails to regulate, ie open or close,
  • 9:13 stimulate or reduce the activity of 4,500 biological functions within the cells of the immune system.
  • 9:23 The lack of this substance is a disaster for the immune system!
  • 9:37 The elements that make up the treatment, in reality are summed into a single element, which is vitamin D.
  • 9:48 People who have autoimmune diseases, according to what has been published in the scientific literature
  • 9:58 inherent in this argument, these people have a partial resistance to the effects of vitamin D;
  • 10:08 and this is genetically inherited from the father, mother or both.
  • 10:15 This resistance concerns the effects of immuno-modulators of vitamin D, and is a resistance partial and not complete.
  • 10:24 And this is the reason for which these people are subject to developing autoimmune diseases.
  • 10:31 Then the great element, perhaps the only (maybe the others are responsible for 5% of the results)
  • 10:42 but 95% of the results that we have obtained in the control of autoimmune diseases,
  • 10:48 in particular in the control of multiple sclerosis, the effects are due, at 95%, to vitamin D.
  • 11:03 And we need to give very high doses of vitamin D to get complete control of the disease.
  • 11:12 These doses are not equal for all patients, are specific for each patient
  • 11:24 and are adjusted according to the degree of resistance that every person with an autoimmune disease
  • 11:33 has for vitamin D (to the degree of resistance that possesses in relation to the effects of vitamin D).
  • 11:41 What we have done is to develop a method to adjust the daily dose for each individual patient,
  • 11:51 and it is done through laboratory tests.
  • 11:55 You collect laboratory tests before treatment,
  • 12:00 after which damage of the doses already established vitamin D; and after at least 2 months,
  • 12:09 which is the time required to increase and stabilize the level of vitamin D in the blood of patients.
  • 12:19 After 2 months refer these tests and comparing the results obtained before and after treatment.
  • 12:31 Through this comparison, we can adjust the individual dose for a given patient.
  • 12:38 And after two months we adjusted, we get
  • 12:44 the full effect, which means, in practice, to obtain the status of a suppression of activity of the disease.
  • 12:55 The disease remains suppressed after 2 months after dose adjustment.
  • 13:09 Therefore, we are currently working with 5 doctors who help us here at the clinic. Personally, I have already visited about 1,300 patients.
  • 13:28 In the clinic, counting the doctors working with us for about 1 year, 1 year and a half, a total of 2,500 patients were visited
  • 13:42 and we are also training doctors working abroad.
  • 13:49 There is one in Argentina, which already works with our protocol, as well as in various cities of Brazil.
  • 13:58 These doctors are visiting hundreds of patients each.
  • 14:04 So I can tell you that we here at the clinic approximately 2,500 holders of multiple sclerosis,
  • 14:14 we're just talking about this disease. If we speak also of other autoimmune diseases, certainly
  • 14:25 we have moved to 3000 patients, but speaking only of multiple sclerosis, are 2,500 patients.
  • 14:34 This number may still be much greater,
  • 14:36 considered that do not charge those patients who were visited
  • 14:40 10 or 12 doctors working in other capitals of Brazil
  • 14:46 after the treatment here.
  • 14:48 Everyone must have visited more than a hundred patients,
  • 14:55 then surely this number has reached thousands of patients seen
  • 15:00 and also we are receiving patients from abroad in various countries.
  • 15:05 This is a phenomenon of the Internet, nowadays, people create groups
  • 15:12 and this in a sense is good, because patients come into contact with each other,
  • 15:23 to share experiences they have had with the different treatments.
  • 15:31 And this has created a phenomenon propro of our day.
  • 15:34 Today, the vast majority of patients we look after having had access to the internet.
  • 15:43 We have a patient that you have also interviewed, his name is Daniel Cunha, who was a journalist
  • 15:50 who has reached the turning point ("high") in our clinic, is a former bearer of multiple sclerosis, this is an important thing that you say.
  • 15:59 Because after that we can adjust to treatment, ie, the dose of the patient
  • 16:05 and prove that in two consecutive spaced resonances of 1 year, ie, separated by 1-year interval,
  • 16:18 there has been no appearance of new lesions, recent lesions can disappear, but there is no activity in the lesion,
  • 16:29 then when we are able to prove this and the patient has improved,
  • 16:36 if he did not damage the oldest, back to having a normal life,
  • 16:41 at the end of the two years of treatment, during which we do 3 or 4 visits,
  • 16:55 at the end of this period of two years of treatment, the patient reaches the "turning point"
  • 16:59 you have to keep the dose of vitamin D with the necessary precautions to avoid causing intoxication,
  • 17:09 but you have to keep the dose of vitamin D and recommend that the patient come back two years later for a re-evaluation,
  • 17:15 Then, after five years for a new revaluation.
  • 17:19 We do not know yet how long the patient needs to maintain this high dose of vitamin D
  • 17:26 and now the treatment is for an indefinite period, demanding that patients do this revaluation
  • 17:34 after two and five years, and maybe this time we will be able to establish
  • 17:42 a criterion to determine if they can lower the dose and which of them should be pursued,
  • 17:50 but at this time the treatment is maintained for an indefinite period.

Video starts playing here normally. You can rewind it to see the entire video

  • 18:01 Approximately 95% of patients with multiple sclerosis, the disease remains in remission permanently.
  • 18:13 While they maintain this high dose, the disease remains inactive,
  • 18:24 without signals, neither clinical nor laboratory of new lesions.
  • 18:30 5% of patients achieved a partial result just means that they get improvements,
  • 18:42 but do not have the complete remission of disease activity.
  • 18:49 We, at this moment, we are studying what are the reasons that lead to this 5% not reach
  • 19:01 complete remission of multiple sclerosis and arrived at two fundamental factors:
  • 19:10 the biggest of these is the maintenance of a high emotional stress, very high.
  • 19:20 We know today that emotional stress can seriously undermine the result of this treatment.
  • 19:28 The other factor that can affect the outcome of this treatment is the habit of smoking:
  • 19:35 smoking affect much the result of treatment with vitamin D,
  • 19:44 but this is not a factor to be related specifically to vitamin D,
  • 19:49 There is no information in the medical literature that say that the habit of smoking accelerates the progression of multiple sclerosis,
  • 19:58 even if the patient is under the traditional treatment.
  • 20:02 When I say 95%, are those patients who are not some other type of treatment, if not the high dose of vitamin D,
  • 20:16 associated with a diet and hydration abundant, that are necessary to avoid the side effects.
  • 20:25 Apart from this, it may be that the infection continued, as the urinary tract infection,
  • 20:35 in patients before starting this treatment already suffering from a series
  • 20:41 problems of the function of the bladder, urinary function,
  • 20:48 who develop urinary tract infections easily continuous
  • 20:54 we also know that these continual urinary tract infections may reduce the immunomodulatory effects of vitamin D.
  • 21:05 I speak of immunomodulatory effects, because vitamin D does not suppress the activity of the immune system.
  • 21:15 Today, we know, for established knowledge, that vitamin D suppresses specifically the type of immunological reaction,
  • 21:28 not physiological, aberrant, which is known by the acronym "TH17"
  • 21:38 which is the immunological reaction that causes autoimmune diseases.
  • 21:45 So, all autoimmune diseases, the immune system throughout the aggression against his own body
  • 21:53 are caused by a type of reaction that is not normal, it is not physiological, is abberante and is called "TH17".
  • 22:01 Vitamin D is the only substance, at least to my knowledge,
  • 22:07 which is capable of selectively inhibit this reaction, without prejudice to the other reactions of the immune system.
  • 22:15 Indeed, vitamin D enhances the ability of the immune system to react against viruses, against bacteria, such as the bacillus of tuberculosis.
  • 22:28 The ability of our immune system to react against these microorganisms
  • 22:35 is enhanced by the administration of vitamin D.
  • 22:41 It is already established knowledge in the scientific community that carriers of tuberculosis need
  • 22:55 to be supplemented with vitamin D, so that the effects antituberculosis become more effective.
  • 23:03 Furthermore, it is known that the patients, for example, carriers of HIV or hepatitis C carriers, they need to be integrated
  • 23:14 with effective doses, and not the daily doses internationally "recommended"
  • 23:22 but a physiological dose of 10,000 units per day, so that the hepatitis C virus does not cause too much damage to the liver,
  • 23:36 as would happen if there was a deficiency of vitamin D.
  • 23:40 The same goes for the other examples of HIV and tuberculosis.
  • 23:54 Yes, Crohn's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, including ulcerative colitis
  • 24:04 are diseases of which we are able to have __complete control, using the same treatment protocol._-
  • 24:17 It ' his important question, because the use of vitamin D in the treatment of autoimmune diseases
  • 24:26 is not directed to a disease or another, but it is directed at the regulation of the immune system. For example:
  • 24:37 under the effect of vitamin D, the immune system increases the amount of a type of cell
  • 24:48 that are produced by the immune system with the aim to keep adjusted.
  • 24:53 These are called "regulatory T cells" and the amount of these cells increases very much under the effect of vitamin D.
  • 25:04 Simultaneously, the reaction TH17, which is an abnormal reaction, not physiological,
  • 25:12 aberrant, is selectively inhibited by vitamin D.
  • 25:16 These 2 things are very important for the control of any autoimmune disease.
  • 25:23 These autoimmune diseases that you mentioned such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis,
  • 25:35 are cases that we have dealt with and responded in complete form.
  • 25:44 The patient lives completely free from manifestations of the disease and maintain a normal life,
  • 25:50 but we must also continue the diet I mentioned before. It can not ingest dairy products,
  • 25:58 no food or wholly made from milk and must also maintain hydration of at least 2.5 liters of water per day.
  • 26:12 Again, autoimmune diseases you mentioned, so far all the cases,
  • 26:19 which are not so many as the cases of multiple sclerosis, but are still dozens of cases,
  • 26:26 all responded in full, without suffering the effects of vitamin D in high doses.
  • 26:42 This question, in relation to the double-blind studies, it is very important because you can not randomize metabolic errors.
  • 27:00 What I mean is that if there is a person who has a metabolic problem diagnosed by laboratory
  • 27:09 for example, a person with hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone),
  • 27:16 which is potentially lethal and can cause damage to the health of the person, if it is not corrected.
  • 27:27 Another example is the type 1 diabetes in children who do not produce insulin,
  • 27:37 I am obliged to correct this deficiency and have to administer insulin.
  • 27:45 So, in these circumstances, when the patient has a metabolic problem, a deficiency,
  • 27:51 acquired resistance in hereditary form, in relation to a hormone or a vitamin, I am obliged to correct.
  • 28:05 If I do not correct it, I make a mistake of medical negligence.
  • 28:09 Then, when you're talking about a double-ciecorandomizzato, you're telling me
  • 28:15 that I have to have a group of patients who will be treated, for example, with high doses of vitamin D
  • 28:24 and a group of patients who receive a placebo;
  • 28:28 and doctors and patients involved in this study are not aware
  • 28:33 of which patients receiving vitamin D and which patients receiving the placebo.
  • 28:40 Very well, I could not do these studies to children with diabetes, for example.
  • 28:48 We've never done a double-blind randomized to know
  • 28:55 if the insulin is suitable for children with diabetes. Never did and never will.
  • 29:00 The same thing happens with people who have hypothyroidism, because we are obliged to give a cure.
  • 29:08 You will not ever done a double-blind, randomized, where a group will receive thyroid hormone and the other a placebo.
  • 29:17 The same thing happens to the deficiency of vitamin D.
  • 29:21 A deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause a devastating neurological disorder that destroys the spinal cord,
  • 29:30 so you can not leave a person with vitamin B12 deficiency, without treatment, because I would be remiss.
  • 29:41 You can not leave a person with pellagra, which has a deficiency of niacin (vitamin B3), because it can cause diarrhea,
  • 29:59 dermatitis and even death. So, these people can not be left with a deficiency.
  • 30:11 If I do a double-blind, randomized, I'll be careless with 50% of patients.
  • 30:20 The placebo group will be the victim of medical malpractice.
  • 30:25 This is a very important concept,
  • 30:28 because today we try to tell the class that any result published in the medical literature
  • 30:36 should not be considered if it was not the result of a double-ciecorandomizzato.
  • 30:42 This is a big mistake.
  • 30:45 People with vitamin D deficiency or resistance to the biological effects of vitamin D,
  • 30:53 for them this deficiency must be corrected and this resistance must be compensated with higher doses,
  • 31:01 which are able to restore in this individual all the biological effects of vitamin D.
  • 31:07 So, there are no double-blind study ciecorandomizzato and we will not do with any patient,
  • 31:15 because there are two main basic principles of medical practice, which is taught in all schools in the Western world.
  • 31:32 The first principle is not to worsen the situation, not hurt,
  • 31:41 not to act on your patient in a worse shape than his clinical situation.
  • 31:49 And the second principle is that the patient should receive all possible benefits.
  • 31:58 So, if I left a patient with vitamin D deficiency,
  • 32:03 knowing that vitamin D is a great immunomodulator, perhaps the most potent immunomodulatory substance that exists in nature,
  • 32:16 a patient who has an autoimmune disease and the immune system has not adjusted
  • 32:23 and produces an immunological reaction aberrant, non-physiological, called TH17,
  • 32:31 if I leave this patient with a deficiency of the unique substance that selectively, in a powerful form,
  • 32:37 is able to inhibit this reaction TH17, producing regulatory lymphocytes, I'll be negligent towards this person.
  • 32:47 SoI will never do a double-blind, randomized and placebo using vitamin D
  • 32:57 in people who have autoimmune diseases. Why? Why not do these things with my daughter,
  • 33:02 with my wife and even with my patients.
  • 33:13 We have started to use vitamin D in the treatment of autoimmune diseases in the interest of the patient.
  • 33:21 Our goal was not looking, was not to convince anyone,
  • 33:27 but was simply fulfill the 2nd basic principle of medical practice:
  • 33:32 optimally benefit the patient
  • 33:37 ie, if the patient has a deficiency of a potent immunoregulatory known and documented,
  • 33:43 we need to correct this deficiency,
  • 33:45 if it has a resistance, we need to increase the dose so that it can compensate for this deficiency.
  • 33:54 Then, we have accumulated a lot of data over this period and we have gained experience in adjusting the dose for these patients.
  • 34:08 We have published preliminary data on vitiligo and psoriasis, and were the only diseases where we were able
  • 34:25 being approved by the ethics committee of the medical-Unifesp (our university) research.
  • 34:32 We wanted it to be implemented on other diseases, but unfortunately there are factors that many times we do not understand,
  • 34:42 because they are negative with respect to the willingness to do a treatment that could bring benefits,
  • 34:51 as we do not understand how you can deny the ethical conditions so that it is correct a deficiency in a patient.
  • 35:03 I can not understand, but the answer was negative for certain diseases.
  • 35:07 This did not stop us to continue to treat our patients according to their interests
  • 35:14 and we have accumulated a wealth of experience in the cases very well documented.
  • 35:20 And when we would have the opportunity, we will ask an ethics committee that would allow us to evaluate retrospectively these cases,
  • 35:33 if this will be possible. Why we have rules for scientific publications.
  • 35:42 Then, when it will submit a publication to a magazine where there are 2,500 patients treated with high doses of vitamin D,
  • 35:57 and want to publish the outcome of the cases, the publisher of the magazine will ask where is the approval of the Ethics Committee,
  • 36:04 because otherwise we can not send our experience.
  • 36:10 So, first we need to urge the Ethics Committee,
  • 36:16 to approve in a review of the medical records of these patients.
  • 36:21 With the review of the medical records we can send the material to the medical journal. Hopefully there are no problems
  • 36:31 with regard to the retrospective review of the clinical history of the patients in the 11 years of monitoring.
  • 36:39 But I do not know why sometimes some people make decisions not appropriate
  • 36:58 with regard to the dissemination of knowledge and for the benefit of patients.
  • 37:11 Yes, exactly, the success rate is similar to multiple sclerosis.
  • 37:18 But it is important that it be said that when we published this work for psoriasis and vitiligo,
  • 37:24 we used a fixed dose for all patients of 35,000 units per day,
  • 37:31 associated with a dairy-free diet to avoid the toxic effects to the kidneys, and plenty of hydration.
  • 37:40 At that time we did not use this method of adjustment of the dose for each individual patient.
  • 37:48 We achieved these results by 95% of patients, when we used this method
  • 37:57 Individual adjustment of the dose for each patient,
  • 38:00 taking into account the response of the laboratory that each patient shows
  • 38:06 through the comparison of laboratory tests, made before and after treatment, ie after 2 months.
  • 38:18 Then the result, in other words, is passed to the 95% success,
  • 38:26 when we started using this method of adjustment
  • 38:32 on the response of laboratory tests for individual
  • 38:34 that each patient according to a predetermined dose common.
  • 38:47 Then, high doses of vitamin D work for autoimmune diseases in general.
  • 38:54 Autoimmune neurological diseases where we used the vitamin D,
  • 38:59 In addition to multiple sclerosis, are: the isolated optic neuritis,
  • 39:09 Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), polyneuropathy of autoimmune origin,
  • 39:26 myasthenia gravis. These are the neurological disease of autoimmune origin that I remember at this time.
  • 39:42 The result of this treatment, when we use the method of adjustment of the individual doses
  • 39:50 for each patient was the same as in multiple sclerosis: 95% of total suppression of autoimmunity.
  • 39:59 This does not mean that the older irreversible damage caused by the immune system,
  • 40:06 considered as pre-existing damage, regress.
  • 40:12 In general, we obtain as a result a complete or almost complete regression, of the lesions
  • 40:20 that were formed in the period of 1 year prior to initiation of treatment with high doses of vitamin D.
  • 40:36 There are other diseases, whose appearance is favored or employee is
  • 40:42 by the presence of a deficiency of vitamin D.
  • 40:45 For example, the recurrence of abortions in the first trimester of gestation.
  • 40:53 To date, this is considered an autoimmune disease.
  • 40:56 The immune system rejects the implantation of the embryo.
  • 41:00 This event is dependent on the presence of vitamin D deficiency
  • 41:06 and a partial resistance to the biological effects of vitamin D. immunoregulatory
  • 41:11 The presence of hypertension, high blood pressure or high at the end of pregnancy,
  • 41:19 situations in the so-called "pre-eclampsia or eclampsia," putting at risk the life of the mother in late pregnancy,
  • 41:29 that the obstetrician must anticipate the birth by cesarean.
  • 41:39 All this can be prevented by administration of adequate doses of vitamin D.
  • 41:49 For proper dosages mean 10,000 units per day.
  • 41:54 In addition, pregnant women who do not expose themselves to the sun in an appropriate manner,
  • 41:59 thus favoring very low levels of vitamin D, they run a high risk of giving birth
  • 42:06 children who can then develop a problem of autism.
  • 42:11 Autism is highly favored by the deficiency of vitamin D during pregnancy and in the first years of life.
  • 42:20 The vitamin D deficiency, occurring early in the life of an individual during the end of gestation
  • 42:26 or in the first years of life, greatly increases the chance that this individual, when he reaches adolescence
  • 42:33 developments psychiatric diseases such as, for example, schizophrenia.
  • 42:38 Regardless of age, vitamin D insufficiency greatly enhances the appearance of depression.
  • 42:48 Depressive processes are favored or induced due to the presence of vitamin D deficiency,
  • 42:56 that is rarely taken into consideration by doctors today are treating people with depression.
  • 43:05 It is important to mention diabetes.
  • 43:10 Both the type 1, which is autoimmune, than that of type 2, which is that of maturity,
  • 43:19 both are highly favored by the deficiency of vitamin D.
  • 43:24 Insulin production is favored by vitamin D.
  • 43:29 Deficiency of vitamin D promotes the development of diabetes.
  • 43:35 In the field of diabetes, the effects of vitamin D deficiency are the subject of much research.
  • 43:52 These diseases are the most important to mention as regards their relationship with vitamin D.
  • 44:06 I have no information about it, but it does not mean it does not exist,
  • 44:14 that vitamin D may facilitate the removal of heavy metals from the body, I do not have this information.
  • 44:23 I have a strong belief that the onset of autoimmune diseases depends primarily on three factors:
  • 44:38 whether it be an individual who has inherited from the father or mother this predisposition,
  • 44:47 which concerns a partial resistenzia to the biological effects of vitamin D.
  • 44:53 It also depends on a second factor is the deficiency of vitamin D, due to the lack of sun exposure.
  • 45:03 And the third factor is the emotional factor.
  • 45:08 The latter would be the trigger that leads to the activation of autoimmune diseases,
  • 45:15 including multiple sclerosis,
  • 45:18 in persons with the two other factors that predispose to developing this disease.
  • 45:26 Only thing missing is the emotional factor triggering
  • 45:29 given by a life event high emotional stress. For example:
  • 45:35 a teenager or a teenager living her parents' separation;
  • 45:40 an individual of 18, 19, 20 years of age who lives a break affective;
  • 45:49 a person of 30-35 years which sees the dissolution of his marriage;
  • 45:56 a great person who attends the unexpected death of his son.
  • 46:04 They are emotional traumas that eventually lead to the activation of the impact of autoimuni diseases, including multiple sclerosis.
  • 46:14 Given this experience, they have about 95% of patients with total control of the disease
  • 46:24 using high doses of vitamin D,
  • 46:27 it is not that we are excluding other factors that can contribute to the process,
  • 46:35 but if these factors are in fact contributing to the development of autoimmune diseases,
  • 46:42 their role is very minority of less importance physio-pathological effects of vitamin D
  • 46:50 or lack of imunomodulatori biological effects of vitamin D in our body.
  • 47:04 Many researchers say that a person with multiple sclerosis,
  • 47:10 having a neurological deficit that prevents her from walking freely,
  • 47:19 tends to remain indoors, inside,
  • 47:23 for this has less exposure to the sun and therefore has a lack of vitamin D.
  • 47:31 So the claim that vitamin D deficiency is a consequence of the disease and not the cause of the disease
  • 47:38 and this would be the issue.
  • 47:41 Well, this does not explain why, and already there are studies published in 1986,
  • 47:54 when evaluating in a patient, in the course of a few years, the amount of relapses,
  • 48:00 before and after being treated with vitamin D,
  • 48:09 these relapses decreased dramatically after treatment. The number of relapses, called "relapse", have decreased drastically.
  • 48:19 This type of argument is excluding the crucial role of vitamin D, already well documented, as immunomodulator.
  • 48:31 In other words, vitamin D inhibits reactions in reference to all diseases autoinmuni
  • 48:38 and the reaction aberrant, non-physiological, called TH17.
  • 48:42 Vitamin D increases the amount of immunoregulatory lymphocytes.
  • 48:47 The level of vitamin D, how much more is high, the more will be the low activity of autoimmune disease; the lower level of vitamin D, the higher the activity of the autoimmune disease.
  • 49:06 If you consider all these factors together, you will only have one explanation:
  • 49:13 the lack of vitamin D leads to the autoimmune disease.
  • 49:18 Another factor that can be aggregated to this set, which is only explained to mean a lack of vitamin D,
  • 49:29 as a determinant of the occurrence of autoimmune disease or auxiliary
  • 49:33 is related to the difference of the equator,
  • 49:36 as we move away from the equator, the more you experience the presence of autoimmune diseases.
  • 49:43 If you look at a country that is well away from the equator, such as Norway, for example,
  • 49:53 we note that in the north of Norway the level of multiple sclerosis,
  • 50:00 contrary to the rule of the equator, you see fewer cases of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis,
  • 50:16 in relation to the south of Norway, where is located the city of Oslo.
  • 50:20 This too can be explained in relation to vitamin D,
  • 50:25 because in Northern Norway diet is basically composed of cosumo cold-water fish,
  • 50:36 which are rich in fatty fish, such as cod or salmon, which fats contain high amounts of vitamin D.
  • 50:44 So we can reverse the rule of the equator when there is the presence of vitamin D.
  • 50:58 The same thing occurs in Switzerland, in the Swiss Alps, in the city located about 2,000 meters above sea level,
  • 51:13 the amount of vitamin D in the blood is greater than that of the population in northern Switzerland
  • 51:24 and the north of Switzerland Winey more at sea level. So why is this happening?
  • 51:33 We can explain it by exposure to the sun.
  • 51:36 In municipalities located in elavate heights, to a position above the clouds, it is subject to greater sun exposure.
  • 51:45 Autoimmune diseases are not made easier because of the cold temperatures,
  • 51:51 because if it were otherwise, there would be more in the Swiss Alps cases.
  • 51:57 In the Swiss Alps there are fewer cases, because there is more sun exposure and as a result, more vitamin D.
  • 52:08 In the north of Switzerland there is less exposure to the sun
  • 52:13 and then smaller amounts of vitamin D circulating in the blood of the inhabitants, and therefore more autoimmune diseases.
  • 52:25 All of the epidemiology of autoimmune diseases, are made understandable by a single factor:
  • 52:33 deficiency of vitamin D.
  • 52:38 You can get to consider a single factor,
  • 52:41 single characteristic of epidemiological distribution of vitamin D and say, "No, but there is an alternative explanations have,
  • 52:55 people who are suffering from multiple sclerosis, those who have more severe forms of multiple sclerosis,
  • 53:04 have a higher vitamin D deficiency because they are more closed in the house. "
  • 53:07 It is an alternative explanation, but it does not explain all the other problems of the biological functions of vitamin D,
  • 53:18 all other epidemiological Characteristics of vitamin D. Epidemiological autoimmune diseases.
  • 53:41 The parathyroid hormone (PTH) is of extreme importance to us.
  • 53:49 Why? Because when administering vitamin D, vitamin D inhibits the production of parathyroid hormone.
  • 53:57 So, if I measure the parathyroid before starting to administer vitamin D and after 2 months,
  • 54:05 I use the lowering of parathormone (PTH what has dropped with the administration of vitamin D)
  • 54:14 I can use this as a parameter of the biological response to the effect of vitamin D.
  • 54:21 This is exactly the factor that we use to adjust the dose of vitamin D individually.
  • 54:30 If the vitamin D inhibits the production of PTH,
  • 54:33 I increase the level of vitamin D until the PTH reaches the value lower than normal.
  • 54:40 Do not suppress PTH, I only increase the vitamin D until the PTH comes close to the lower limit
  • 54:49 from the normal range of variation of PTH.
  • 54:54 From the production of this biological effect, I conclude that if vitamin D has achieved the maximum effect in the inhibition of PTH,
  • 55:05 must also have reached the maximum immunomodulatory effect.
  • 55:11 And, through this premise, we adjust the dose of vitamin D depending dell'abbassarsi of PTH.
  • 55:21 I can not suppress PTH, so as to make it undetectable, because if you suppress,
  • 55:31 I put the individual at risk.
  • 55:35 He's taking a dose so high in vitamin D, which could subtract a large quatity of calcium from the bones.
  • 55:43 Increasing this excessive amount of calcium taken from the bones, and raising the concentration bleeds, it can impair renal function.
  • 55:53 Thus, the parathyroid hormone for us is a safety measure, a level of security.
  • 56:03 If I do not suppress PTH, I'm sure I'm not giving toxic doses of vitamin D.
  • 56:13 I can balance in relation to biological resistance to the effects of vitamin D on the grounds that that individual has genetic inheritance.
  • 56:28 I say this in other words.
  • 56:33 An individual may be in need of a dose of vitamin D, for example, 30,000 IU,
  • 56:42 to make sure that his parathormone reaches the value less than normal.
  • 56:46 Another individual may need to 100,000 IU to ensure that its PTH reaches this lower end of normal.
  • 56:55 Then, measure how much you lower the PTH, for us it is a way to adjust the dose of vitamin D,
  • 57:03 for the individual need of the patient.
  • 57:10 The level of PTH is the most readily available laboratory tests,
  • 57:18 that can give us an idea of ​​the strength of the person to the effects of vitamin D.
  • 57:28 There are other possibilities, other factors that we can measure.
  • 57:34 But the parathyroid hormone is made by all laboratories, it is not a great thing.
  • 57:39 Many doctors ask the dose of PTH.
  • 57:43 So, not a great test, a test is easily available at any place in the world.
  • 57:59 Somehow, I have already answered this question.
  • 58:06 A person who has a level of parathyroid near the upper limit of normal,
  • 58:130 this person probably has a level of vitamin D deficiency is very important.
  • 58:19 And they are getting calcium from the bones to maintain the calcium concentration of the blood,
  • 58:26 since it does not have enough vitamin D to absorb calcium from the intestine,
  • 58:32 from foods that transit in the intestine, which digests the intestine, due to the lack of vitamin D.
  • 58:38 Then, the person who has the parathormone near the upper limit of normal
  • 58:44 or above the upper limit of normal, that person has a very severe vitamin D deficiency.
  • 58:51 And this is something that varies so much for a person with an autoimmune disease,
  • 58:57 As for a healthy person.
  • 59:00 For example, if a person today has no autoimmune disease,
  • 59:05 This does not mean you can not have an autoimmune disease at any stage of its future.
  • 59:10 So, in terms of prevention,
  • 59:13 is very important that the person maintains its PTH level at least in the middle point,
  • 59:25 between the lower and upper value of the normal, through the administration of a realistic dose of vitamin D.
  • 59:33 Then, the same healthy person, taking vitamin D, 10,000 IU,
  • 59:39 probably (not definitely, but probably) this dose will be sufficient to maintain
  • 59:45 his parathormone inside the normal range of variation.
  • 59:49 Or close to the upper limit or above the upper limit.
  • 59:59 Yes, this is an important thing ...
  • 60:03 The labs have different ranges of variation (range) to assess the normality of the parathyroid hormone.
  • 60:08 Then, a laboratory test that can tell he does, the way in which the measure parathyroid hormone,
  • 60:17 the normal level varies, for example, between 4 - 58 pg / ml.
  • 60:27 Another laboratory can say that for them the normal range is 12 to 65 pg / ml.
  • 60:41 So, the question on the level below 20
  • 60:46 is for people who use a lab that says the normal range of assessment is 12 to 65.
  • 60:51 It therefore must be of between 20 and 12.
  • 60:56 But a person who uses a second laboratory that says that the normal value is from 4 to 58,
  • 61:08 then I must remain between 10 and 4.
  • 61:11 The same thing that I explained earlier.
  • 61:13 I must be close to the lower limit of normal, but not below the lower limit of normal.
  • 61:19 I Doso vitamin D to achieve this effect.
  • 61:23 So, you do not need to be under 20.
  • 61:25 Below 20, or below 10, or between 12 and 20 or between 10 and 4, depends on what is the normal range
  • 61:35 that uses the laboratory as a reference.
  • 61:38 To which, depends on the laboratory.
  • 61:49 We have not yet assessed whether a weekly regimen may be better or worse
  • 61:59 a daily dose, or if a monthly administration may be better or worse
  • 62:08 of once per week.
  • 62:10 We have not done any study in this regard.
  • 62:14 We started from the assumption that only a good rule is that a person is exposed to the sun every day.
  • 62:23 So, if this is the norm, we try to adjust the dose according to the daily administration,
  • 62:31 and this is justified by the fact that you avoid large variations
  • 62:38 caused by doses very distanzati one another.
  • 62:42 So, when we administer on a daily basis,
  • 62:46 the variation of the concentration sanguingna you keep more regular, less swinging,
  • 62:55 and the magnitude of change will be minor.
  • 63:07 Who makes 10,000 units per day is taking a physiological dose,
  • 63:12 the same dose that would produce his skin when exposed to the sun for twenty minutes without sunscreen,
  • 63:21 wearing a short-sleeved shirt and shorts,
  • 63:24 in other words, leaving the arms and legs exposed to the sun, being a person of fair skin and young.
  • 63:29 So, this may not cause any problem to anyone because it is the amount that we produce normally.
  • 63:37 So, there is no necessity to go on a diet or any special hydration,
  • 63:41 in addition to that every individual should normally do to stay healthy.
  • 63:47 There is no need to take any precautions when taking 10,000 IU of vitamin D.
  • 63:53 My daughter takes 10,000 units of vitamin D per day for more than six years.
  • 63:59 There is no problem in taking 10,000 units of vitamin D per day,
  • 64:04 there is no need to take any precautionary measure.
  • 64:07 This, for sure, it is not a toxic dose,
  • 64:11 this dose is sold without a prescription in the United States without any problem.
  • 64:25 So, do not really know of any effect of vitamin D on the normal intestinal flora. If there is a publication in this regard is not to my knowledge.
  • 64:48 Because Vitamin D increases the power of reaction against the agents of disease,
  • 64:59 we can also expect that vitamin D reduces the presence of harmful bacteria in the gut. This hope.
  • 65:17 I have no information that says that vitamin D may alter harmful form in the digestive tract.
  • 65:26 It is possible that the lack of vitamin D deficiency is likely to affect the work of the digestive system,
  • 65:38 given that all our cells, including those of the digestive system, respond biologically to the effects of vitamin D.
  • 65:51 Alters its funzzioni in relation to the effects of vitamin D.
  • 65:58 The proper activity of the digestive tract can be stimulated with the correction of the deficiency of vitamin D.
  • 66:05 But, harmful effects caused by high doses of vitamin D (unless they are toxic, that is accompanied by a corresponding increase of calcium in the blood),
  • 66:19 harmful effects to the digestive system, there may be with the use of high doses of vitamin D, calibrated according to the laboratory tests.
  • 66:32 With regard to the vitamin D receptors,
  • 66:36 There are various diseases that are linked to genetic mutations in the vitamin D receptor,
  • 66:47 making these people resistant to vitamin D.
  • 66:54 The emergence of this resistance may be due to the fact that the individual in question has altered
  • 67:06 the enzyme that takes care of the activation of vitamin D, which are two hydroxylase.
  • 67:16 The individual may have an alteration of the first hydroxylase, the second hydroxylase,
  • 67:24 may have an alteration of the vitamin D receptor that is present in the cells, the objective of vitamin D.
  • 67:33 The idividuo may also have a genetic alteration of the protein that captures hereditary vitamin D and charge with it into the bloodstream.
  • 67:48 So, there are several genetic disorders that may explain the resistance of the individual assimilation of vitamin D.
  • 68:05 An individual also may need a lot more vitamin D to the fact of having an overweight for his height.
  • 68:16 Older people have then a lesser amount of vitamin D receptors in every single cell:
  • 68:27 decreases the concentration of vitamin D receptors in every single cell with increasing age.
  • 68:33 There are so many points that explain why in some cases a person sees increased its partial resistance to the effects of vitamin D.
  • 68:45 An individual may be suffering from two or three of these points that contribute to its resistance to the effects of vitamin D.
  • 68:55 For this, we use the final effect of this chain, which is the reduction in the levels of parathyroid hormone.
  • 69:06 It ' a way to avoid having to check what is actually the reason for the resistance.
  • 69:20 It does not matter if the reason is this, that is, or if there are multiple reasons for this resistance to concomitant vitamin D.
  • 69:28 Measuring the biological effect, which is the reduction of the levels of parathyroid hormone,
  • 69:32 we see the final effect of all these possible points of resistance to vitamin D,
  • 69:39 and is a way to optimize our work, and then to the best biological effect of vitamin D for that individual, regardless of the reason for which has a resistance.
  • 70:00 We simplify the whole measuring only a biological effect, which would be the reduction in the levels of parathyroid hormone.
  • 70:14 Yes, because when you produce vitamin D in the skin or ingested vitamin D,
  • 70:23 you are ingesting the inactive form of vitamin D, which is called colicalciferolo.
  • 70:29 This colicalciferolo undergoes the action of two enzymes, in a consecutive manner, to be transformed into the final shape,
  • 70:39 which is precisely the active form.
  • 70:41 Then, the colicalciferolo undergoes the action of an enzyme called 25-hydroxylase, which adds a chemical group
  • 70:50 called hydroxyl in position 25 of the molecule of colicalciferolo,
  • 70:56 colicalciferolo turning this into calcidiol-25-hydroxy-vitamin D,
  • 71:03 that is measured in the blood to detect whether or not the individual has deficiency.
  • 71:09 In turn this substance, 25-hydroxy-vitamin D or calcidiol, undergoes the action of a second hydroxylase, which adds
  • 71:21 another chemical group in position 1. Therefore, this enzyme, which is called 1-alpha-hydroxylase, can be genetically altered.
  • 71:32 Finally, it produces, through the second hydroxylase, the active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxy D3 call
  • 71:44 or calcitriol, which will then produce the final biological effect on the immune system and over all the cells in our body.
  • 71:55 Very well, these are dependent hydroxylase by vitamin B2,
  • 72:01 not directly, but indirectly,
  • 72:08 because in the step of hydroxylation of vitamin D, enzymes oxidize,
  • 72:19 and so that we can pick up a new molecule, hydroxylate another molecule, therefore,
  • 72:25 must be reduced, chemically called reduction process. And this reduction process requires the presence of vitamin B2.
  • 72:36 About 10-15% of the general population, the world in general,
  • 72:44 has great difficulty in absorbing vitamin B2. This is another genetic alteration that concerns IL10-15% of the population.
  • 72:55 In some regions of Italy who have had malaria endemic throughout the centuries, from 300 BC
  • 73:07 this percentage may be higher, it can reach 50% of the individuals concerned
  • 73:17 and these regions generally correspond to the peninsula of the Po, which is the region of Venice and another region on the west side of Italy ...
  • 73:33 Another region that has had cases of malaria endemic in the course of several centuries, from 300 BC
  • 73:40 is Sardinia, where there have been cases of malaria endemic throughout the centuries.
  • 73:44 And, apparently, the people who had difficulty in absorbing vitamin B2 from food were resitenti to malaria,
  • 73:56 therefore, the children who had this genetic problem that they died of malaria in infancy,
  • 74:03 could pass into adulthood and passed on their genes to future generations,
  • 74:09 Unlike children who had this genetic alteration and were susceptible to malaria.
  • 74:17 So, most of the children who did not have this genetic alteration were dying of malaria in childhood
  • 74:25 and could not pass on their genes to future generations, reach adulthood and pass on their genes to the next generation.
  • 74:32 So, over the centuries, there was a natural selection in these regions of Italy are a lot more people
  • 74:40 with difficulty absorbing vitamin B2, riboflavin, compared to the rest of the world population,
  • 74:48 where it has about 10-15% of individuals with this difficulty absorbing riboflavin.
  • 74:59 In these regions of Italy, individuals descended from Italians, who also live in Brazil and are descended from Italian
  • 75:06 that come from those regions of Italy, have a greater chance of being carriers of this difficulty to absorb riboflavin.
  • 75:14 This (lack of B2) can contribute to resistance to vitamin D,
  • 75:17 because sometimes hydroxylase, in the absence of an adequate level of vitamin B2, will malfunction
  • 75:25 and will be another factor that will contribute to the resistance to vitamin D.
  • 75:32 So, for this reason, so that we should not be dosed vitamin B2 in all individuals,
  • 75:37 since it is not a test readily available in laboratories and the health care system does not cover these tests,
  • 75:49 not for the determination of vitamin B2, we administer vitamin B2, which is absolutely harmless,
  • 75:56 to all individuals, in a dose greater than that normally given, with the aim to cover the shortage ...
  • 76:07 We measured the phosphorus because vitamin D is mobilizing calcium and phosphorus from the bone.
  • 76:15 And since we are using unpublished doses of vitamin D, this was also a suggestion
  • 76:23 Professor Michael Holick, so we dovumentare everything that's going on.
  • 76:31 One of our concerns is that it is not altered phosphorus;
  • 76:40 that phosphorus levels are not altered.
  • 76:44 In fact, the dose we use, with these precautions, do not alter the levels of phosphorus.
  • 76:50 It's just a precaution
  • 76:53 to have the certainty that the patients are well from the point of view workshop.
  • 76:59 All the laboratory parameters that can be altered for the use of high doses of vitamin D are measured
  • 77:07 and this is just one of them.
  • 77:10 This is the reason for which we measure the levels of phosphorus.
  • 77:22 Patients with kidney failure, for us it is a big problem
  • 77:27 giving them high doses of vitamin D.
  • 77:30 Because if I give a dose of vitamin D that causes excessive absorption of calcium, both of the bones of the intestine,
  • 77:40 I have to make sure that the kidneys expel him;
  • 77:44 However, if a person has the `kidney failure, I lose this certainty.
  • 77:49 So if a person has a kidney failure, this causes a lot more work,
  • 77:57 we have a lot more care than a person who has normal kidney function.
  • 78:04 Qusta is the only thing I can say `on` renal failure.
  • 78:08 There are diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, in which the immune system attacks the kidneys.
  • 78:16 We try to "stop" lupus before it causes renal injury.
  • 78:23 If the person already has renal lesions we have a lot more care.
  • 78:28 We start with a low dose of vitamin D for security that nothing will happen to the person.
  • 78:35 There is a need that the kidneys expel the excess calcium that is formed in the circulation
  • 78:43 and if the person has a kidney failure this becomes a problem.
  • 78:58 G6PD deficiency is one of the diseases which have increased in Italy as a result of endemic malaria.
  • 79:11 People with G6PD deficiency are resistant to malaria.
  • 79:19 It is the same type of natural selection that has happened with the deficiency of riboflavin.
  • 79:28 But I have no data to show me that vitamin D deficiency and G6PD are incompatible things,
  • 79:38 in the sense, that it can not give vitamin D to people who have deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase,
  • 79:46 which is called G6PD.
  • 79:49 I see no incompatibility.
  • 80:03 I do not have this information, that vitamin D may help people with dystonia.
  • 80:10 For now I do not have, but I can do a search,
  • 80:16 because vitamin D is a substance that has many functions,
  • 80:26 all cells respond to vitamin D;
  • 80:31 the fact that I have no information on this, or the fact that there has been no published study on the relationship between vitamin D and dystonia,
  • 80:40 these things are not to indicate that vitamin D may not be beneficial to people with dystonia.
  • 80:45 But I do not own the `information available at this time.
  • 80:59 No, we have no patient with adrenoleukodystrophy, which is a metabolic disease.
  • 81:05 There is a direct relationship with vitamin D.
  • 81:09 Many people who have degenerative diseases of the nervous system, can potentially be favored
  • 81:17 a reasonable dosage of vitamin D.
  • 81:21 Surely, these people can not stay with vitamin D deficiency, because you sovvraporrebbero two factors:
  • 81:30 the genetic disorder, hereditary, metabolic, just one disease and, in addition, deficiency of vitamin D,
  • 81:37 which can accelerate the progression of the disease.
  • 81:40 Then, we suggest to people who have neurological or metabolic diseases that do not have a direct relationship with vitamin D,
  • 81:51 suggest that they should, most of the other people, to maintain normal levels of vitamin D.
  • 82:00 We do not recommend high doses of vitamin D, but only normal doses of 10,000 IU per day.
  • 82:10 These people have to worry, most of the other people, not to be deficient in vitamin D.
  • 82:25 For a patient who takes these anticoagulants with vitamin D?
  • 82:31 Basic there is no incompatibility with the vitamin D, to make the treatment with the vitamin D,
  • 82:39 or high dose of vitamin D, always observing precautions: diet and hydration.
  • 82:48 We have no information that would cause any problems with the `use of anticoagulants.
  • 82:56 A warning is important for people suffering from hyperthyroidism, or high levels of thyroid hormones,
  • 83:09 and that do not take drugs or do not follow treatment that maintains normal levels of thyroid hormones,
  • 83:22 these people can be very sensitive to the toxic effects of vitamin D.
  • 83:28 The thyroid hormone potentiates the effect of vitamin D in mobilizing calcium from the bones.
  • 83:37 These people are more sensitive to vitamin D, those with untreated hyperthyroidism, uncontrolled.
  • 83:46 This is a notice, we have had two cases of people who developed hyperthyroidism,
  • 83:55 which have become more sensitive to vitamin D than it usually occurs;
  • 84:03 the level of sensitivity of these people is higher than those that have the normal thyroid function.
  • 84:17 Yes, we say to patients who need to take antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs that are toxic to the kidneys,
  • 84:29 which should increase hydration. Do not just drink 2.5 liters of fluid,
  • 84:35 but an extra liter: 3.5 liters of fluid a day,
  • 84:39 Because when the drug passes to the kidneys, in this way is diluted and decreases the nephrotoxic effect, that is toxic to the kidneys.
  • 84:59 The person who assumes 10,000 units of vitamin D takes the same dose of vitamin D
  • 85:04 that a young man would if dressed in leather short-sleeved shirt and shorts,
  • 85:12 leaving arms and legs exposed to the sun, a young person and clear skin, without the use of sunscreen,
  • 85:22 would produce 10,000 IU of vitamin D, which can not be considered a toxic dose of vitamin D.
  • 85:32 And there is not no need to do laboratory tests or to be under medical supervision,
  • 85:38 for the simple fact that an adult is taking 10,000 units of vitamin D.
  • 85:43 This, however, is not valid when it comes to children;
  • 85:45 underweight children, this dose may be excessive.
  • 85:59 Yes, it is important that the symposium has both a logical and productive;
  • 86:04 which allows to get in touch with professionals willing to work with this protocol,
  • 86:16 using vitamin D in favor of the patients, in this case we have any interest.
  • 86:24 Unproductive would go to Italy only to do what you're doing right now here,
  • 86:35 that is, only to orient the audience, because only be repeating the same things.
  • 86:40 The medical staff was concerned, other professionals who are interested in the results of this treatment,
  • 86:50 can ask technical questions that have not been made here today.
  • 87:04 So, in this situation it would be very produtivo a trip to Italy,
  • 87:11 for the amount of people that can have a benefit with this treatment,
  • 87:16 for young people who may be blind or paraplegic due to multiple sclerosis
  • 87:23 or who might suffer for a lifetime effects of a disease such as inflammation of the colon, and many others already mentioned.
  • 87:34 The presence of a professional in Italy and put into practice this treatment,
  • 87:42 would provide a benefit to people who live in Italy immeasurable.
  • 87:52 You have no idea of ​​the benefits that you might have.
  • 87:56 And he would have the same satisfaction, the same level of gratitude, immense, that we are receiving,
  • 88:03 keeping people above the impact ("high") of multiple sclerosis and autoimmune diseases.
  • 88:08 We lose a patient when it reaches the expected result ("high"),
  • 88:14 but receive as reward a friend for life and this is something that is priceless.
Video by Dr. Coimbra – 95 percent of auto-immune cured with vitamin D in high doses - April 2014        
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